Where has the last week gone? I have been back for more than a week now and I’ve been meaning to update this blog and post about the Men’s Retreat, but, obviously, I haven’t.
It took place at a camp ground outside Hope, BC. There are some beautiful mountains out there, but it poured most of the time. The main speaker was a minister from Ohio name Ellis; though there were also several speakers from around BC, as well, including my pastor. It started Thursday evening, went all day Friday, and concluded Saturday morning. The message, in one form or another, was that men needed to develop a sense of urgency about their role in the work of God. Too often we concede everything to the women, they’re the spiritually sensitive ones, perhaps, but God wants us to be leaders in our homes and churches. And to be spiritual men we have to be spiritually mature. Probably the best point made was by Brother Ellis. He said that our destinies are not determined by God’s will – its His will that none should perish, after all, but many do – rather, our destinies are determined by the choices we make.
Besides the teaching, I met some guys I hadn’t seen in a long time. One, Wayne Patchett, received the infilling of the Holy Ghost in the same service I did twenty five years ago. I also received prayer for my back, which I am believing God for. I don’t usually go to these meetings and I don’t know when I’ll next go, but it was a good time and I’m glad I went.